Semana 16

Semana 16 - Descanso de invierno

  • Turn in any late assignments by Monday evening at 10.00 pm
  • Complete oral quiz 3
  • Work on "La casa de mis sueños"
Missing assignments
Some of you are still missing some important assignments. You have until Monday by 10 pm to turn them in for 85% of the grade (because they are really really late).
  1. Review synergy grades. Anything missing? then complete assignment, attach it in an email to my  Subject line: Spanish 3-4, your period (example: P1) Your full name.

  2. You are responsible for turning things in even when you absent. Make sure you read google classroom, ask peers first, and/or email me if you still have nay questions.

As a general rule, you should always be proactive. We have flex periods for this kind of issue. Once we come back from break, I expect you to turn things on time. And if you are sick, to be proactive about assignments earlier.

Oral quiz Monday and Tuesday
Tomorrow, P1 and P3 will be having their oral quizzes. Tuesday, P6 and P8 will do the same.

  • You have study (info was posted in the blog last week with the vocabulary.
  • At the beginning of the class, you will take a number, and wait your turn to be called. 
  • While others are taking the quiz, you are expected to work independently in "La casa de mis sueños project", either by writing your essay describing it, or by studying the vocabulary.
Using your cellphone to text friends or use any social media app is not permitted, and it will result in me confiscating your phone, and emailing your parents. Please, help me by using your phone for the right kind of activities. You know the rules, so I expect you to follow them.

Working in groups: You are encouraged to work with others to improve your essay. So, what's ok to do?
   You can read your peers' essays, and help them improve the essay by working on the sentence structure or improving the vocabulary. Using wordreference or Spanish dict is ok. 
   You are not supposed to do their work, and you shouldn't be sitting idle either.  I expect everyone to be working on the project. 

La casa de mis sueños
During the oral quiz, you are responsible for completing as much as possible of the essay.
You need to work in groups, using as much Spanish as possible, to improve your essay. This will get you ready for the quiz.

We will continue working on this project when we come back from the break. However, your goal the next of couple of days is:

  • Complete the following paragraphs describing your house: 
    • The outside of the house (Describe the front yard, backyard, if you have any other features, such as a pool, or bascketball courts,...).
    • Describe the Living room, dining room, game room or gym if you have one, kitchen, bathroom, and master bedroom. 
  • Complete the floor plan of your dream house, naming each room, and main furniture (includes front yard, backyard, garage, etc).
  • Complete a cross-sectional picture of the house, showing all the levels in your house. 
  • Choose a medium for your presentation: google slides? prezi? a poster? 
  • Work on the presentation: 5 minutes max to present your house. You need to time it, not just wing it. Your peers will be judging your presentation. 

La fiesta de fin de año
This Thursday and Friday we will be having a end of the year party, and I'm going to need your help.

I'd love if everyone contributed by bringing something to eat and drink, so we could share in class.

I'm wondering if my students would be interested in participating in a white elephant gift - no more than a dollar or two max. But, I'd like to bring it to a vote. We don't have to do it, but I thought it could be fun. It could be a small toy you have laying around the house you don't use anymore, etc...

Here are couple of ideas of what we could do during the party:

  • You bring 2 songs to share. They can be regular song you like in Spanish, but they can also be festive, or reflecting a tradition you have a home (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kuanzaa, or whatever you celebrate). The idea is to share what we do at home with our families.
  • We can do open mic/kareoke.
  • Please, bring a family tradition, so we can share with others.
  • Also, we are going to create end of the greeting cards. Bring some color paper, scissors, glue, markers, etc. 
We can talk about more details during class.  Oh, did I forget... We are going to be speaking Spanish, right? :D
