Semana 19

!Bienvenidos a la semana 19!

Oral quizzes: If you have not done your oral quiz yet, it’s your responsibility to come to Flex on January 25th or 26th to complete it, otherwise you will receive a 0. Please, check synergy for any missing grades. For questions, you can talk to me before class or right after.
Missing assignments: Some of you have chosen not to submit your Coraline assignment. The deadline to turn it in is way past due, and the grades are permanent.

La casa de mis sueños NEW deadline for work & presentations: Since we have lost an entire week of school, I'm changing the presentation deadlines.
  • A Day classes (P1&P3): Tuesday, January 24th.
  • B Day classes (P6&P8): Wednesday, January 25th.
No late material will be accepted, unless there is an excused absence. If you are sick, you need to contact me to schedule your presentation during Flex.

You will need to bring a printed copy of your essay double spaced. I will talk about the format in class during this week.

Objetivos de esta semana
  • Repasar el vocabulario del salón
  • Aprender verbos del salón
  • Aprender el vocabulario de la cocina
  • Aprender verbos de la cocina
Estas son algunas de las actividades que vamos a hacer esta semana

Día 1 - Grupo B Lunes/Grupo A Martes
Estos son los materiales que vamos a utilizar hoy...

Practica el vocabulario
Juega un Kahoot:  El salón    Cosas que hago en mi salón  Cosas que hago en mi cocina

Tarea para el día 2
I have posted your homework in google classroom. However, you need to be proactive and write your homework before the class is over.
  • Study the 3 vocabulary lists listed above in quizlet. 
  • Bring your "kitchen" essay. Write what you can at home. Bring it so we can work on it.

  • Cellphone use in class: Remember to use your phone as directed. Use of social media is not allowed in class. If I take your phone, you wont be able to play Kahoot in class. If I take your phone more than two times, I will email or call your parents for misusing your cellphone in class. 
  • Participation: Are you wondering how to get a 10 in homework & participation? The answer is simple, if you are working hard, you always participate in Spanish, help others learn, and you are not distracted or distracting others, you get a 9 or 10. It's up to you. 
  • If you are struggling, you need to visit me during flex time. Studying the vocabulary, and practicing will help you succeed in class. 
