Bienvenidos a la semana 2 del segundo semestre
- New semester - new point system
- Finish movies & reflections
Segundo semester de español 3-4
A new semester has just started, and we are moving into a point system that we'll be rolling in starting next week. Although our class has been great at participating, there has been some challenges. So here are a few important points for you to know:
Point system - 100 points per quarter to be earned in participation, preparation, and work done in class + 20 extra points
This means you it's up to you to earn them in class by: listening and speaking Spanish in class. You will have a chance to get points for active participation, whether is listening actively, or speaking actively in Spanish, in solo activities, in pair activities, and group activities.
Coming to class is beneficial and give you the possibility to get lots of points for that A! So, come to class! Also, if for some reason you missed a class, please come to flex to make up the work. Flex time is the best time to get me in a 1on1 situation, and to ask all of those questions you've been dying to ask :D
Late work policy
Late work is not accepted unless you have an excused absence. It is your responsibility to complete work on time. Make up work when ill can be completed during flex, so make sure you come.
Crédito extra
As mentioned in class, I'd like you to have plenty of opportunity to use your Spanish as much as possible no matter where you are, while getting points. I will update you very soon on how to do this, and all the important detail! :D
Grading breakdown
Quizzes & Exams 20%
Participation, preparation & classwork- 20%
Portafolio de escucha - 20%
Presentations & Group Work 20%
Projects- 20%
Plan de clase- New semester: We are going to over the classroom expectations and norms as if it was the first day of school. We are going to review what to do in case of emergencies, and what to do if a substitute teacher comes to cover our class during my absence. We are also going to talk about how to organize our school materials. Make sure you bring a binder to class with 4 tabs (This is non negotiable). This binder is going to be kept in class.
- Película: We are going to finish the movie we started during finals. You need to bring the notes you took during the movie. We are going to mine a list of words that are going to help us in this new section: Our city. I have also asked you to describe the characters (los personajes), and their personalities (sus personalidades).
- Goal 1: practice vocabulary we learnt during semester 1.
- Goal 2: learn new verbs.
- Goal 3: solidify knowledge.
- Vámonos de viaje: We started to plan for a trip right before the end of the semester, and we are going to continue with this activity. This group activity is designed for you to practice the vocabulary you already have to plan a trip. You are encouraged to speak to your trip-partners in Spanish.
- La canción de la semana: Me voy de viaje solito (here are the lyrics)
This semester we are going to study Our city unit. We are going to learn to navigate a city, and all the different places in it:
- Mi barrio.
- Mi instituto.
- El supermercado.
- Los museos.
- Restaurantes y comida callejera.
We will be building on the vocabulary we already have, and we will focus on daily communication. Be ready to talk, and also write :D
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