Sem 2. Semana 5

Semestre 2 - Quinta semana 

  • Quiz retakes are available on Wednesday and Thursday during flex. Review your schedule, this week's schedule is weird. If you haven't done Quiz 1, this is your last chance, otherwise you will receive a 0, or your grade from Q1 will stay as is.
  • Presentaciones - Grupos A (1 & 3) - you will be presenting on Friday. Grupos B (6&8), Thursday.
  • To master: vocabulario de la ropa, el tiempo, el viaje, la casa y las actividades de la ciudad. 
  • To master the following verbs: gustar, ir, poder, querer, soler, ser, estar. 
Here are the basics of the project. You will be graded independently of your peers. Each of you is expected to practice & rehearse your slides before class.

Here is a sample presentation you can based yours in:

Vocabulario de la ropa, las actividades de la ciudad y el tiempo....
